With an average temperature as 30-34 degrees in summer and 19 degrees annually, and 300 sunny days, you can swim for 9 months and play golf for 12 months.
There are 47 hotels with a capacity of 55 thousand beds, 10 golf clubs, 15 golf courses, 3 theme parks, 1 sports complex, 1 congress center, 1 shopping mall and around 300 stores.
There are also 55 football fields, 13 training grounds, 253 tennis courts, and around 204 congress and meeting halls at international standards.
Of the top foreign visitors in Belek, 27% of them are Russians in the lead, followed by Germans at 26%. Rate of English visitors is 21% throughout the season while this rate rises up to 70% during golf season.
The number of golf games played yearly is almost 600 thousand.
147 surveillance cameras, 18 mobile cameras, 12 ground patrols, 3 marine patrols and a security staff of 82 people are in place in addition to police force to ensure security of guests.